May 31, 2020


Announcements and Check-In


Introit                                  “How Great Is Our God” (World Edition)                                                                             


Call to Worship

God of rushing wind, coming from where it wants and going to where it wants,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
God of fire, flaring on gathered disciples and burning away their stubborn pride,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
God of miraculous speaking and hearing, amazing the faithful and riveting their attention to what is about to happen,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
God of the young who see visions, of the old who dream dreams, of male prophets and female prophets,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
God of wonders above the signs below, God of blood, fire and billowing smoke,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
You raised up Peter to prophesy on Pentecost, Peter to preach straight truth to a crooked generation, Peter to accuse people he loved of complicity in the death of Jesus.
pour out your Spirit upon us.
God of wind and fire and tongues, God of visions and dreams and prophecies, God of signs and wonders,
pour out your Spirit upon us.
You raised up Peter to preach Jesus to a skeptical audience, and with the two-edged sword of Peter’s word you cut through the armor of a crooked generation, you pricked their hearts and saved them.
Great God, send your Spirit to save us too.
You sent your Spirit to assail hard hearts. You sent repentance and faith., baptism and forgiveness, teaching and fellowship, communion and prayer.
Great God, send your Spirit to save us too. 


Hymn                                        “God of Grace and God of Glory”                             UMH #577              

Prayer of Confession

God of fire and wind, we confess we have missed the movement of your Spirit in our lives and in your world. We have not been a Spirit-led church. We have not pursued your anointing or your sanctifying presence. We have not lived in holiness. Forgive us, we pray. Free us from bondage to life in the Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Assurance and Pardon

One: Hear the good news! All who believe in Jesus Christ will have streams of living water flowing from within, streams of refreshing and of power.

In Jesus Christ, you are forgiven and empowered.
Many: In Jesus Christ, you are forgiven and empowered.
ALL: Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Amen!


Scripture                                         Acts 2:1-21                                        Visual Illustration


Message                                Empowered To Do What?                       Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Cooperate Lament and Prayer


Hymn                                                  “Spirit Song”                                                 UMH #347



Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer


Invitation to Give and Prayer




May Mission Opportunity



Bethlehem Haven’s mission is to provide a continuum of care for women who are experiencing homelessness that leads to self-sufficiency and ends homelessness through collaboration with the community and the people we serve.   

To make a donation to Bethlehem Haven, write MAY MISSION or BETHLEHEM HAVEN on your check or in the PayPal memo line



Every Sunday Morning at 11:15 AM

Meeting ID: 503 573 596

Password: 337851

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