Worship Outline

*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Announcements


Visual Call to Worship                            Psalm 91

*Opening Hymn                    A Mighty Fortress is Our God”                                UMH #110

*Opening Prayer

Holy Dwelling Place,

Your tent is wide enough to provide shelter for all who seek you, food for all who hunger, and healing for all who suffer.

Meet us here today, and fill us with confidence in your presence, that we may risk sharing Jesus’ cup and his baptism so the world may become the place of love and justice you desire for all.

Shelter us with your light, and clothe us with your heavenly garments.

Teach us how we may best serve ourselves and one another on this daring adventure. Amen.


Special Music                                      Amazing Grace”                                 The Rising Voices

                                                              “Battle of Jericho”                                


Scripture                                                                                                     Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

Message                                      CREATION RENEWED                       Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offering of Music                             Here I Am Lord”                                  The Rising Voices

Offering Prayer


*Hymn                                        Let All Things Now Living”                             TFWS #2008


*Choral Benediction                      Dona Nobis Pacem                              The Rising Voices                            




Next week is World Communion Sunday-

an annual celebration observed by several Christian denominations that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation.

On World Communion Sunday we will celebrate the sacrament with Christians from around the world and collect a special offering which helps provide scholarships for national and international graduate students whom God has gifted to learn and to serve.








Our goal is to be a

welcoming and inclusive church for all people.





Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

[email protected]



                                                      September 29, 2019