August 25, 2019

Worship Outline

*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Announcements


*Hymn                                       “God of Love and God of Power”                            UMH #578

*Opening Prayer 

*Hymn                                                      “Spirit of God”                                           TFWS #2117    


Children’s Sermon


Scripture                                                                                                                 Jeremiah 1:4-10

Message                                                                                                              Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Prayer Hymn                     “I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry”                 TFWS #2051

Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offering Prayer

God of creation and architect of the universe: you knew where to place the stars and when to set the cosmos in motion, and still you know each and every one of us. Before we were born, even in our mother’s womb, you knew us and had plans for us to be filled with your love and light and to bring that love and light to the world. Mighty and gentle God, may these gifts we dedicate this morning be used to bring light and hope to sisters and brothers we haven’t met yet. May our arms and legs be used to take that hope out into the world this day, and may our words and our prayers convey that love to those we meet. In the name of Christ, our Redeemer, we pray. Amen.


*Hymn                                               “Lord, Speak to Me”                                          UMH #463


*Hymn                              “May You Run and Not Be Weary” (x2)                     TFWS #2281




Our goal is to be a

welcoming and inclusive church for all people.



Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

[email protected]
