August 11, 2019
Worship Outline
*Those that are able are invited to stand
Welcome and Announcements
to Worship (based on Psalm 50)
One: The Lord, the Mighty
God has spoken to us—
calling God’s people to
gather for worship.
All: God’s people are called to gather together from
the four corners of the earth - to worship God.
One: God does not want
token or half-hearted worship,
with little meaning or
understanding of our actions.
All: No, God calls people to offer genuine sacrifices
of reverent praise, that is worthy of the Holy One.
One: Our Great God is not
remote and isolated from us.
God communicates to us
through people and nature.
All: God’s Holy Presence is like a radiant light and fire,
and God speaks with the disturbing power of a storm.
We come, gathered to worship and praise our God. Amen.
*Hymn “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise” UMH #103
*Song “Shine, Jesus, Shine” TFWS #2173
Children’s Sermon
Isaiah 1:1, 10-20
Rev. Kelly J. Smith
Hymn “Song of Hope” TFWS
Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer
our Gifts and Tithes
*Hymn “What Does the Lord Require of You” TFWS #2174
*Hymn “What
Does the Lord Require of You” (verse 1)
TFWS #2174
What does the Lord require for praise
and offering?
What sacrifice, desire or tribute did
you bring?
Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with
your God.
Please join us
immediately after worship today for our Second Sunday Social – hosted by Kim Viehland and Richard Wilson
Our goal is
to be a
and inclusive church for all people.
Rev. Kelly Smith