*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Announcements


*Call to Worship

We see light, hope, and joy;
We bring heart, soul, mind, and body;
We share blessings and fears;
We bring faith and doubt.
With all that we are and all that we have, let us worship God.


*Hymn                                       “O Worship the King”                                               UMH #73


*Hymn                             “Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah”                                UMH #127



Children’s Sermon



Scripture                                                                                                                     2 Kings 5:1-14

Message                                           Inheritance of Trust                               Rev. Kelly J Smith



Prayer Hymn                              “We Walk by Faith”                                           TFWS #2196

Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer



Celebrating the Sacrament

Offering our Gifts and Tithes

*Offering Prayer



*Hymn                             “In the Midst of New Dimensions”                              TFWS #2238


*Hymn                         “In the Midst of New Dimensions” (Refrain)                TFWS #2238





Our goal is to be a welcoming and inclusive church for all people




                                      July 7, 2019