Gathering into worship –
that are able are invited to stand
Welcome and Announcements
*Call to Worship
Even after the resurrection, when the
were weighed down with worry,
Jesus assured them that they were not alone:
“The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send
in my name, will teach you everything,
and remind you of all that I have said to you.”
Even after the resurrection, when the disciples
were burdened by their fears,
Jesus calmed their troubled hearts:
“Do not let your hearts be troubled,
and do not let them be afraid.”
Even after the resurrection, when we struggle
with our faith,
Jesus blesses us with comfort and hope:
“Peace I leave with you; my peace
I give to you.”
Especially after the resurrection, when our
are dry and barren,
the Holy Spirit blows through our lives,
bringing us new life. Alleluia!
*Hymn “Christ
is the World’s Light”
UMH #188
*Opening Prayer
God, you call us today, just as you called the disciples on the Day of
challenge and support us, revealing the brokenness of our communities; giving
us the peace that our world needs.
point us to the pain of the cross, and then remind us of the joy of the
us, O God, through the power of your Holy Spirit.
us breathe deeply of the Breath of Life.
through our worship and change our lives forever. Amen.
Meditation on God’s Word -
Children’s Sermon
John 14:12-27
Message Greater
Works Than These Rev. Sandra
“Spirit of God”
TFWS #2117
Silent Prayer/Pastoral
Prayer/Lord’s Prayer
Celebrating the Sacrament -
Hymn “Bread of the World” UMH
Sharing the Lord’s Supper
Sharing Our Blessings –
Offering our Gifts and Tithes
*Doxology “Glory
to God” TFWS
Glory to God, glory to God,
glory in the highest! (repeat)
To God be glory forever!
Alleluia, Amen! (repeat)
*Offering Prayer
Taking the Word to the World -
*Hymn “Now Let Us from This Table Rise” UMH #634
*Hymn “We Are the Church” (refrain) UMH #558
I am the church! You are the church! We are the church together!
All who follow Jesus, all around the
world! Yes, we’re the church together!
join us immediately after worship today for our Second Sunday Social-
Hosted by our lay leader, Carolyn Hartner.
Next week is Peace with Justice Sunday,
one of the official churchwide Special Sundays which includes a special
Annual Conferences keep half of the offering to fund local projects while
a portion goes to the GBCS Peace with Justice Program to fund U.S. and global
work in social action and public policy education and advocacy.
For more information on Peace with Justice Sunday, visit: www.umcgiving.org.
Our goal is
to be
a welcoming
and inclusive
church for
all people.
Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
June 9, 2019