*Those that are able are invited to stand

Welcome and Announcements

*Call to Worship

You are called...

but I'm just a (say your profession/retired/homemaker)...

and sometimes I don't have work...

Doesn't matter. You are called.

I can't be called, I'm too (old/young/inexperienced)...

Doesn't matter. You are called.

Lord, I can't tell others about you... you know that time when I...

Doesn't matter.

I still love you.

I will always love you.

You are called.

When did this happen?

Before you were baptized, before you were born, before you were created.

You are a part of my story that I am writing on the hearts of all people.

I am called?

You are called.

We are called.


*Hymn                                            “We Are Called”                                               TFWS #2172


*Hymn                                               “Cry of My Heart”                                            TFWS #2165


Children’s Sermon


Scripture                                                                                                                     2 Kings 2:1-14

Message                               Inheritance of [em]POWER[ment]                 Rev. Kelly J Smith


Prayer Hymn                           “Sweet Hour of Prayer”                                          UMH #496

Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

*Offering Prayer


*Hymn                                           “Here I Am, Lord”                                                UMH #593


*Hymn                                       “Here I Am, Lord” (Refrain)                                  UMH #593






Adult Sunday School

Coffee 9:30AM Class  9:45AM

Join us on Sunday mornings for a series on

Unshakable Hope:

“Building Our Lives on the Promises of God”

by Max Lucado











Our goal is to be

a welcoming and inclusive

church for all people.








Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

[email protected]




June 30, 2019