April 7, 2019


*Those that are able are invited to stand






- Portraits in Grace –

by Joseph M. Martin * Orchestration by Brad Nix





Welcome and Announcements


*Call to Worship

One:  Let us worship God, who has done great things.

All:  We rejoice in our God, who made a way

through the desert of this world.

One:  Let us worship God, 

who has caused streams of mercy

to flow in the wasteland.

All:  We are the people God has formed through Christ;

we worship him, and we rejoice!

One:  Let us worship God in spirit and in truth.

All:  We praise God for the grace that has saved us.

Alleluia! We rejoice!


*Opening Prayer





Fairest Lord Jesus



The Healer


Children’s Sermon



Behold the King



We Remember


Celebrating Communion



A Sacred Garden





Let Us Gather in the Shadow of the Cross


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer



Portrait of the Cross





Recessional of Shadows



How am I growing closer to God this Lenten season?

















905Mifflin Ave


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

[email protected]
