

                                                                    905 Mifflin Ave


                                                                         Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

                                                                         [email protected]





*Those that are able are invited to stand



-Gathering into worship-


Welcome and Announcements


*Introit                                      “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem”                                         Choir


*Opening Prayer

      Gracious God, out of the darkness you send a light; out of a lifeless

Stump you call forth a new shoot; out of the discord of our lives you proclaim a vision of peace.

      May your Spirit rest upon us, that the hope which you inspire will be lived out in our lives. We pray this in the name of the One whose birth we prepare to celebrate, Jesus, the Prince of Peace. Amen.


Lighting of Advent Candles


Advent Song                             “Light the Advent Candle” (vs. 1-4)               TFWS #2090


*Greeting One Another and Sharing Traditions




Children’s Sermon                          


Scripture                                                                                                      Luke 1:39-55


Message                                          WELCOME                                     Rev. Kelly J Smith


-Offering our prayers-

You are invited to share your prayer concerns by writing them on the Prayer Request cards and placing them in the offering plate.


Prayer Hymn                                 “Like a Child”                                               TFWS #2092


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


-Responding to God’s Word-


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes


*Doxology                                                “Emmanuel”

Emmanuel, Emmanuel, his name is called Emmanuel.

God with us, revealed in us, his name is called Emmanuel.


*Offering Prayer

God of all good things:

This morning, as we draw closer to the blessed birth, we remember Mary and how your blessings come to the world in the most unexpected ways and often through the most unprepared people.

Give us eyes this day to see the wealth of ways you have blessed us and the opportunities you have placed before us to be an unexpected blessing to others. Use the gifts we bring to you this morning to bless those who need the good news the most.

We pray this in the name of Jesus, who gave in love all there was to give for us. Amen.


*Closing Song                                   “Tell Out, My Soul”                                             UMH #200






Current Prayer Needs:

Family and Friends struggling this holiday season

Alfred Crocker (Cathleen’s dad) – blood clots and aneurysm

Shirley Crocker (Cathleen’s mom) – Alzheimer’s  

Monique Viehland (Brian Viehland’s wife) – treatable blood cancer

Donna (Monique’s mother) – awaits a kidney donor for transplant

Ruth (Kilgour’s friend) – recovery after surgery

Richard — health struggles, sleep issues and finances

Marion (Richard’s aunt) – needs healing

Lynn (Carolyn and Marilyn’s sister) and her husband – he is suffering from dementia

Jane Glidden – ongoing health struggles

Sherrie Richards (friend of Barbara Thaw’s) – breast cancer

Ed Scott (friend of Ginnie’s) - multitude of health issues

Sue Clapper - breast cancer treatment

December 23, 2018