905 Mifflin Ave
Pastor: Rev.
Kelly Smith
*Those that are able are invited to stand
and Announcements
Introit “O For a Thousand
*Call to Worship
One: We
remember, O God…
All: The countless saints of history who have blazed a trail of courage
through time,
One: We remember, O God…
All: The tender touch of loved ones,
the example of heroes,
the healing words of comforters,
the remarkable acts of fearless ones.
One: We remember, O
All: The gentle strength of grandmothers,
the loyalty of friends,
the kindness of strangers,
the joy of children,
the sacrifice of parents.
One: We
remember, O God…
All: The supreme love of Jesus,
the blessing of his Spirit,
the reminder of his words,
the sharing of his suffering,
the glory of his resurrection:
shown forth in the lives of his
young and old, dead and
articulate and silent, strange and
brilliant and ordinary.
One: We remember in
every time and place the saints of God
who have
shown us the Lord.
All: Since we are surrounded by so
great a cloud of witnesses…
let us worship
God with joy!
Hymn “Come, Let Us Join Our Friends
Above” UMH
Children’s Sermon Sharing Our Memories Pastor Kelly
Revelation 21:1-6
Message Something
New Rev. Kelly Smith
*Hymn “Rejoice in God’s Saints” UMH #708
Remembering our Saints and a Time for
Service of Word and Table
UMH #9
Receiving Communion
Our Gifts
“Thank You, Lord” (x2) UMH #84
Offering Prayer
God of love and uncountable blessings, we
bring our gifts this day in the sight of our cloud of witnesses — the saints
who have guided our lives and watch over our faithfulness from heaven’s
balcony. As we strive to live out their hope and faith in the promise of your
kingdom, may we also rededicate ourselves to live so this world better reflects
your kingdom and rule. In Christ, we pray. Amen.
Song “As a Fire Is Meant for Burning” TFWS #2237
“Go Now in Peace” UMH
now in peace, go now in peace;
the love of God surround you
everywhere you may go.