1, 2018
*Those that are able are invited to stand
Sunday: The Dawning-
Reading: The Mourning
John 20:1
Hymn “Up from the Grave He Arose” (Stanza 1 only) #322
Reading: The Investigation John 20: 2-10
Hymn “Up from the Grave He Arose” (Stanza 2 only) #322
Reading: The Encounter John 20:11-17
Hymn “Up from the Grave He Arose” (Stanza 3 and chorus) #322
Visual Illustration He is
Risen, He is Alive
Easter Acclamation (x3)
Lay Leader: Alleluia! Christ is risen!
People: He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
Choir “Crown Him With Many
Crowns” #327
Reading: The Announcement John
*Hymn “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (verses
1-4) #302
*Opening Prayer
*Hymn “Up from the Grave He Arose”
Message From the Passion to the
Resurrection Pastor
Dai Morgan
Welcome and Announcements
*Kids Song “Hosanna
Rock” *See Screen
Children’s Sermon
-a Time
for Prayer-
Prayer Hymn “Because He Lives”
Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
(You are invited to share your prayer concerns
by writing them on the Prayer Request cards and placing them in the offering
-Taking the
word to the world-
Offering Our Gifts and Tithes
Offering Prayer
Message From the Resurrection to the
World Pastor Kelly
Visual Illustration Look
*Hymn for the World “He Lives”
(Weather permitting, everyone is invited to move outside onto the
front steps
where our service will conclude with the
singing of our final hymn.)
I serve a
risen Savior, He's in the world today;
I know
that He is living, whatever men may say.
I see His
hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,
And just
the time I need Him, He's always near.
REFRAIN: He lives, He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!
He walks
with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.
He lives,
He lives, salvation to impart!
You ask
me how I know He lives?
He lives
within my heart!
In all
the world around me I see His loving care;
though my heart grows weary, I never will despair.
I know
that He is leading through all the stormy blast;
The day
of His appearing will come at last. [Refrain]
rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing
hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King!
The Hope
of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find,
None other is so loving,
so good and kind. [Refrain]
Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
Everyone is welcome-
no matter who you are,
where you come from,
or why you are here.
We are Christ's people and this is Christ's place with its
doors wide open.
If you are passing through, Godspeed.
If you are looking for a worship home, please stay with us.
We invite visitors to join with us, and most of all, to
return often.