First Sunday of Advent

Hanging of the Greens

November 27, 2016


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Announcements                                                               Diana Spencer


Special Music                  “Bring a Torch, Jeannette Isabella”                         Bell Choir


*Call to Worship                                                                                                 

Leader: In the days to come, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established as the highest of mountains and shall be raised above the hill.  All the nations shall stream to it.  Many people shall come and say:

Congregation: “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that God may teach us God’s ways and that we may walk in God’s paths.”

Leader: With what shall we come to God’s house?

Congregation: Bring branches of cedar and holly, bring evergreens and a pine tree.  Hang wreaths and garlands.

Leader: Make the church fragrant with the smell of living things and holy play.

Congregation: In acts of hanging greens and listening to the words of prophets and seers, let us make our hearts and this space a place of inward and outward preparation for the One who comes to give us a second birth.

Leader: Let us pray…

Congregation: Good Lord, by your mercy, guide our outward actions in such ways that our inward being is formed in faith, hope and love.  May the decorations we offer engage our senses during the days of Advent and enliven our praise and worship in the name of the child of Bethlehem, our risen and coming savior, Jesus Christ.  Amen.


 *Hymn                                    “O Come All Ye Faithful” (verse 1-3)                             #234


Introduction to Hanging of the Greens                     Barbara Cooley Thaw



Reading                                                                                               Oliver & Bambi Brewer

Song                                            “Come and See the King”                                   *See insert            


Reading                                                                                                              Larry Viehland

Hymn                                                      “The First Noel”                                   Female Choir

                                                                                                        Kim Viehland, accompanist


If you were given a poinsettia, Please bring it forward at this time.





Reading                                                                                                    The Mitchell Family

Special Music                        “Once in Royal David’s City”                          Chris Koesel

                                                                                                                        and Kim Viehland


Reading                                                                                                          Megan McQuade

Hymn                                     “O Little Town of Bethlehem”                              Male Choir 




Reading                                                                                                  Barbara Cooley Thaw

Hymn                                                 “Friendly Beasts”                                                   #227



Preparing Our Hearts

Advent Scripture                                                                        Matthew 24:36-44

Advent Message                                    Watch                                              Pastor Kelly


Offering of our Gifts              “The Savior Comes”                                 Chancel Choir




Reading                                                                                                                     Ron Brand


Special Music                                  “O Holy Night”                                      Amy Shannon

                                                                                                                                and Brenda Spencer


Commission and Blessing                                                                   Pastor Kelly


Benediction                                                                                                           Pastor Kelly

For your goodness and generosity in giving us all we need,

Help us to praise you O God.

In every circumstance of life, in good times and bad,

Help us to trust you, O God.

In love and faithfulness, with all that we have and all that we are,

Help us to serve you, O God.

As we speak or write or listen to those nearby or far away,

Help us to share your love, O God.

In our plans and work for ourselves and for others,

Help us to glorify you, O God.

This Advent Season let our thoughts and words and deeds reflect your generosity and by the power of your Spirit, may we live for you always.

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Chorus                                    “Go Tell It On The Mountain” (Refrain)                         #251




Today’s service is dedicated to the memory of Kim Slobodnyak.

Kim Weber Slobodnyak was raised as a Mifflin Avenue Methodist. Throughout her lifetime, she was an active member and dedicated volunteer for all things MAUMC. Some of the positions she held included MYF leader, Church Council president, Kitchen Guru (along with her forever sidekick, Nick) and Women’s Circle president. Near and dear(est!) to her heart was the annual Hanging of the Greens service. Her passionate leadership shone brightest when she stood in the back of the sanctuary, directing and smiling at all who participated. Thank you for sharing in this Advent Service and continuing Kim’s Lasting Legacy.

~~Barbara Cooley Thaw