March 24, 2016
Gathering Reflection
events of Holy Week make up the central story of our faith.
Can we
see the suffering of others in our world in the passion of Jesus?
are some ways that the daughters and sons of humanity are crucified today? How
are we called to respond?
Worship Outline
*Call to Worship
One: This is a day of remembrance for us.
All: We lift up the cup of salvation and
call on the name of the Lord.
One: Throughout the generations, we have
received and handed on to others what the Lord has given to us:
All: the bread of his body; the cup of the new
covenant; proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes
*Opening Psalm
Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19
*Hymn “As We
Gather at Your Table” #2268
in The
Faith We Sing
(To the
tune of #605 in U.M. Hymnal)
*Opening Prayer (Unison)
O Lord, we recall that it was on a night like this that Christ gathered with
his friends to dine, to sing, and to celebrate the Passover. As we remember and celebrate how it became
our Holy Communion, may the Spirit of Christ be with us. In his name. Amen.
Scripture John 13:1-17, 31-35
Hymn ‘Jesu, Jesu” #432
Prayer of Confession
In all humility and
faith in the grace of God, let us confess our sin.
Holy and gracious God, our sin is too heavy to
Trusting in your mercy, we lay before you the
truth of who we are.
We confess our failure
to love as Christ loved . . .
We confess our
covetousness and greed . . .
We confess our
weakness before temptation . . .
We confess our frailty
before the challenges of this world . . .
Merciful God, forgive us.
Heal us, and make us whole,
for the
sake of your Son, our Savior,
Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.
Declaration of
*Passing of the Peace
Exodus 12:1-14
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
*Communion Litany
Leader: This table is a meal of fellowship.
The bread and the wine unite us.
Leader: This table is a meal of remembering.
The bread and the wine remind us.
Leader: This table is a meal of challenge.
The bread and the wine beckon to us to become one.
Leader: This table is a meal of hope.
The bread and the wine comfort us.
Leader: This table is a meal of fellowship.
People: Let us gather round, all of us, and share in
God's blessings.
*Hymn ‘You Satisfy the Hungry Heart” #629
Celebrating The Last
Communion Hymn “Let Us Break Bread
Together” #618
Pastoral Prayer
Mark 15:22-39
Closing Hymn “When I Survey the Wondrous
Cross” #298