June 15, 2014
that are able are invited to stand
Welcome and Announcements
*Scripture Psalm 8
*Call to Worship
Leader: Creator God… Call us all.
You declared, O Lord, that our sons and daughters would prophecy;
the young will see visions, while the elders
dream dreams.
Leader: Resurrected Christ… Guide us all.
You have told us, Great God, what is required:
to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with You.
Leader: Holy, Holy, Holy Spirit…Move us to
So that justice rolls like water
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Leader: Take away all guilt; accept that which
is good.
All: We
offer our worship -- the fruit of our lips to you, our God. Amen.
*Opening Hymn “We
Believe in One True God” #85
*Opening Prayer
*Greeting One Another with Joy
A Time
for Prayer
Joys and Concerns
Prayer Hymn “Sweet Hour of Prayer #496
Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who
against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For
thine is the kingdom and
the power
and the glory forever. Amen.
the church through the word
Scripture Matthew 28:16–20
Sharing our blessings
Offering Our Gifts and Tithes
Offering Prayer
God who
moves before us, behind us, and beside us; through your risen son you
have commanded us to “Go!” but we have made
ourselves comfortable in our
churches and in our homes. You have commanded us to
reach out to the world;
but often we have limited that outreach to
those who look like us, speak like us,
live like us. As we worship this morning, and
we pray the prayers and sing the
songs, and as we offer ourselves and our gifts
to you, remind us again that we
are called to go into the world. Help us to be
more of a movement of hope and
love and less an institution of rules and
protection of the way things have always
been. We pray in the name of the one who sends
us, Jesus the Christ. Amen.
Offertory “Come,
Holy Spirit”
To give electronically
from your mobile device visit
the Word to the World
*Closing Hymn “Go,
Make of All Disciples” #571
*Hymn “We Are the Church”
(refrain) #558
am the church. You are the church. We are the church together.
All who
follow Jesus, all around the world, YES we’re the
church together.
Prayer Concerns:
Pat Drake – carpal tunnel in
both hands
Donna (co-worker of Judy) –
unexpected loss of her husband
Kim Winters (Kim V’s mother) –
alzheimer’s disease
Carolyn Hartner – moved to
Penwood Nursing facility for rehab
Paul (Veronica Greenberg’s son)
– going to Afganistan
Linda (friend of Mary Kilgour)
– back problems
Friends and Family of the
Agnews – fighting cancer
Sandy (friend of Kristian) –
going through cancer treatment
Ongoing Prayer Requests:
George (friend of Kilgours)- stomach cancer; Steve (friend of
Gail)- continued healing;
Joey (5th grader in Sewickley) –cancer; Cheryl
(Tom’s cousin) – chemotherapy;
Flo (cousin of Jean McQuade)- lung cancer; Baby Gavin- brain
Steve (John McQuade co-worker)- prostate cancer; Sydney-
Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity; Our military
and their families