Third Sunday after the Epiphany

                                             January 26, 2014


*Those that are able are invited to stand



Welcome and Announcements


Entering into worship          


*Opening Meditation

We never imagined how difficult it would be

            to follow and not lead,

            to listen and not talk,

            to take directions from you.

But here we are talking too much,

            listening too little,

            and leading one another into troubled places.

Call us again and we will listen this time.

Call us again and we will follow.

And if we should fail you again… forgive us and we’ll keep trying.  Amen.


*Hymn                                     “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee”                               #430


*Opening Prayer


*Hymn                                                “Jesus Loves Me” (verse 3)                                                  #191


A Time for Prayer

(You are invited to share your prayer concerns with the congregation by writing them on the

Prayer Request cards in the pews and placing them in the offering plate.)


Joys and Concerns


Prayer Hymn                   “Lord, You Have Come to the Lakeshore”                                #344


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into

temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

Anthem                                       “Come Follow Me Forever”                                               Choir


Moving into God’s word


Scripture                                                                                                        1 Corinthians 1:10-18


Children’s Sermon


*Hymn                                      “Tell Me the Stories of Jesus”                                           #277


Scripture                                                                                                                Matthew 4:12-23




Sharing our blessings


Offering our Gifts and Tithes


Offering Prayer

God of Grace and Compassion, you sent your Son into our midst that we might see his way

of love, and that we might here his call to follow. Following Christ means more than wearing

a label, or gathering in a certain building. It means leaving the nets that entangle us in the

world’s way of measuring success and living by Christ’s example. May the gifts we lift to

you this morning represent a sacrifice and commitment to be ones who walk in the way

of compassion, grace, and love. We pray in the holy name of the Christ, our Example,

our Hope, and our Redeemer. Amen.



To give electronically from your mobile device visit


Taking the Word to the World


*Hymn                                     “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”                                              #2129

in The Faith We Sing



*Hymn                                     “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”            (Verse 1 only)              #2129

in The Faith We Sing

I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus,

I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.






Ginnie White and family - passing of husband and father, Ed.
Lee Heckman (Carol’s Son) - facing employment challenges and starting college at age 44.
Amanda Probst – was in the hospital with an infection.
Nell Harper – had a stroke, moved to assisted living

George- battling stomach cancer; Pat Spencer- continued healing; Aimee (Jen Alfieri’s cousin);
Steve (friend of Gail)- continued healing in rehab; Buck Cunningham(friend of Keri)- recovering in rehab;

Baby Gavin- brain tumor and mom Ashley- cysts; Sister and father of Jill Franke (Jen Alfieri);

Lily -chemo; Flo (cousin of Jean McQuade)- lung cancer; Mary Ellen (Sharon’s sister)- cancer;  

Steve (John McQuade co-worker)- prostate cancer; Mike (Tammy’s friend)- non Hodgkin’s lymphoma;

 Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia; Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity;

Our military and their families

Home Bound/Assisted Living
Alice Wetzel, Marge Schillinger, Betty Willey, Stephen Koesel, Vivian Behm, Richard James, Ken Thompson,

Harriet Fuller, Nancy Radovic, Norma Wood, Bea Crawford