August 4, 2013


*Those that are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                    “Father, We Praise You”                                       T Kendall


Welcome and Announcements


Entering into worship


*Call to Worship

Leader: Again and again, Jesus calls:

People: “Rise up from your despair;

Leader: Come out from brooding worry;

People: Step out from the shadow of grief;

Leader: Walk toward hope;

People: Breathe in the Spirit;

Leader: Live a resurrection life;

People: Sing a joyful song.”


*Hymn                                      “How Firm a Foundation”                                           #529


*Opening Prayer

Lord of life and health, we bring ourselves body and soul before you now,

to give our thanks and declare our need – and with all to sing your praises. 

Visit this place to hear us now and pour out your blessing upon us.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.


*Greeting One Another in Christian Love


Entering Into the word


Scripture                                                                                                            The Book of Job

Sermon                                              Suffering



Celebrating the Sacrament


Communion Hymn                        “Be Still, My Soul”                                                    #534


Sharing the Lord’s Meal Together


*Hymn                                    “Precious Lord, Take My Hand”                                    #474


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

 Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into

 temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


   Sharing our blessings


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                                    “Offertory”                                             E.S. Lorenz

*Doxology                                        “Bless Thou the Gifts”                                                 #587

*Offering Prayer


Taking the Word to the World


*Hymn                              “We’ll Understand It Better By and By”                         #525


Postlude                                                “Boundless Grace”                                       D. Paxton




Dylan- being put on a pump, in a wheelchair

Slobodnyak Family

Carol Koebler (family friend of pastor Kelly)- ICU and breathing tube

Tanya (friend of Eddie)- mom with cancer

Carol Heckman's Son- help finding appropriate employment after disability

Anita- cancer

McQuade's cousin Flo- lung cancer, beginning chemo

John McQuade's Co-worker- prostate cancer



Ed White; Sue Clapper-continued healing; Pastor Patty Soward-non alcohol liver disease;

Barry(Sherry’s friend)- pneumonia/congestive heart failure;

Mike(Tammy’s friend)-diagnosed with non Hodgkin’s lymphoma;

Jonah-autoimmune disease; Mary Ellen(Sharon’s sister)- cancer;

Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia; Kim & Lori; Pete- battling lung cancer;

Alma-Leukemia; Michael- car accident; Pastor Janet; 

Devon (Gensler’s friend)-reserves; Marcy-breast cancer; Doc-lung cancer; Gary,

 Shirley Social -medical concerns; Debra Andrews -cancer;  Elaine; Joe Weimer;

Jack Winkopp; Bill; Ella Mae-Parkinson’s disease; Sharon Coyn - leg issue;

Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity, peace and justice in Palestine and Isreal;

Buck Cunningham; Our military and their families; Norma Wood; Liz Kilkenny


HOME BOUND/ASSISTED LIVING                                                                                                                                                                                                       

   Alice Wetzel; Asbury Villas, Marge Schillinger, Betty Willey; Asbury Villas, Stephen Koesel, Vivian Behm; Asbury Villas,

Richard James; Seneca Hills Village,Ken Thompson; Seneca Hills Village, Harriet Fuller, Nancy Radovic; Harbour Living









Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church

905 Mifflin Avenue

Pittsburgh, PA 15221
