January 6, 2013


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                    “From Shepherding of Stars”                               R. Hillert

Welcome and Announcements


                               Preparing for Worship


*Choral Introit                               “Come Let Us Sing”                                           J. Lindh                                                       

*Call to Worship

One:  Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem.

All:  Too long we've gone the wrong way, followed the wrong stars!

One:  We went South following movie stars, greed, and lust.
All:  Star of Wonder...

One:  We went East following stars of militarism, nationalism, and war.
All:  Star of Light...

One:  We went North following our own visions, our own intuition, and our own way.
All:  Star with Royal Beauty Bright...

One:  Lord, this year, we will follow the Star of Bethlehem.
All:  The Star of Hope.
One:  The Star of Peace.
All:  The Star of Joy.
One:  The Star of Love.
All:  The Star that is You.

*Hymn                                   “Angels form the Realms of Glory”                              #220


*Opening Prayer     


                                               A Time of Prayer

Joys and Concerns


Prayer Hymn                                        “O Little Town of Bethlehem”                                      #230

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth

as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who

 trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and

 the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


                                    Entering into the Word

Scripture                                                   Isaiah 60:1-6

Children’s Sermon                                                                                          


Anthem                                                    “Morning Star”                                                  Choir


Scripture                                                  Matthew 2:1-12



                                                              The Sacrament

The Great Thanksgiving for Epiphany                                                               (See Screen)


Thanksgiving Hymn                                   “What Child is This                                             #219


Sharing the Body and Blood of Christ                                                                                                


                                    Sharing our blessings

Offering our Gifts and Tithes


Offertory                                  “Bright and Glorious is the Sky”                     G.W. Cassler


*Doxology                                              “The First Noel”    (REFRAIN)                               #245


*Offering Prayer

Holy God of love and light, like moths drawn to flame, the world is drawn to the

radiance of your Son, the Prince of Peace and the holy embodiment of love. All

are drawn by our deepest need to be led out of the darkness. We know that Christ

is the source of that light, and we pray this morning that not just in our worship

but in our giving we might be those who are able to punch holes in the darkness

 that afflicts so many. Use these gifts so that the light of your Son might reach the

farthest dark corners of this world, and also those who are so very close. For we

pray this in the blessed name of the Christ child. Amen.


                                        Taking the Word to the World

*Hymn                                        “There’s a Song in the Air”                                        #249


*Hymn                                     “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” (refrain)                        #251


Postlude                              “The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away”                    J.S



Strength to those in need

Sydney, a 4 yr old student of Megan Brand Holmberg, who was diagnosed with Leukemia

Kim & Lori

Pete and his family as he battles lung cancer

Beth Beringer for strength and healing

Bruce Beringer for strength and healing

Kaitlyne Petronio adjusting to her cast due to a broken big toe