*Those who are able are invited to stand
Hymn” G. Young
Welcome and Announcements
for Worship
*Choral Introit “Come Let Us Sing” J. Lindh
*Call to Worship:
One: Because
he came to bring good news to the poor;
All: Let
us be bearers of the Good News.
One: Because
he came to proclaim release to the captives;
All: Let
us break the chains of injustice.
One: Because
he came to give vision to those who could not see;
All: Let
us see the world through the lens of compassion and mercy.
One: Because
he came to let the oppressed go free;
All: Let
us overcome systems of intolerance and inequality.
One: Because
he came to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor;
All: Let
us sing the praises of Christ our Lord!
*Hymn “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (verses 1-5) #57
*Opening Prayer
A Time of
Joys and Concerns
Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer
Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth
as it is
in heaven. Give us this day our daily
bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who
against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and
the power
and the glory forever. Amen.
Anthem “Gift of Love” Choir
into the Word
Scripture 1
Corinthians 12:12-31a
Children’s Sermon
*Hymn “Open My Eyes, That I May See” #454
Scripture Luke 4:14-21
our blessings
Offering our Gifts and Tithes
Offertory “Offertorium” G.
*Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All
Blessings Flow”
*Offering Prayer
the Word to the World
*Hymn “The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Serve”
in The
Faith We Sing
*Closing Prayer
Set us
aside this day for good news, for liberating work, for ministries that reveal
your goodness to the
entire world.
us and let the acceptable year of your favor be made known!
*Hymn “Go, Tell It On the
Mountain” (refrain) #251
Postlude “In
Thee is Gladness”
J.S. Bach
Ed White - tests in the hospital
Marilyn (South Ave UMC Member) - foot and leg amputated
Sue Clapper - continued healing and recovery
Family and friends of the victim of the Gateway Center Car Accident
Janet and Justin (co-worker of Jean McQuade) -
pregnancy complications
Kim Slobodnyak -
continued strength, working with new doctor for nutritional needs and stomach pain
Family and friends of Estelle Civic
Ann Hirt (Keri’s
sister) – blood clots in lungs
Jonah (Leo’s friend) - diagnosed with an
autoimmune disease; Tom(Eddie’s friend)-continued
healing and recovery;
Barry (Sherry’s friend)-
pneumonia, congestive heart failure; Mike (Tammy’s friend) – diagnosed with non
Hodgkins Lymphoma;
Coker (Bambi’s grandfather-in-law) - stroke; Mary Ellen(Sharon’s
sister)- cancer; Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia;
Kim & Lori; Pete- battling lung cancer; Beringer’s family- strengthand
healing; Family and Friends affected by Sandy Hook incident;
Bea Crawford-knee; Mary Ellen-thyroid issues;
Alma-Leukemia; Michael- car accident; Pastor Janet; Chad(Gensler’s
cousin)-deployed overseas;
Devon (Gensler’s friend)-reserves; Marcy-breast cancer; Doc-lung
cancer; Gary, Ginnie’s son-health problems;
Michael-health concerns;
Shirley Social -medical concerns; Debra Andrews
-cancer; Elaine; Joe Weimer; Jack Winkopp;
Dawn; Bill; Ella Mae-Parkinson’s disease;
Paul Gaviglia- Lung
Cancer; Melissa Morris(granddaughter of Ginnie White); Julius Gibson, 9 yrs old, undergoing chemo-therapy;
Tracy-leg issues; Baby “Luke” and baby “Kyler”- cardiac defects; Sharon Coyn
- leg issues; Harriet Fuller;
Whitehead and her work for human dignity, peace and justice in Palestine and Isreal; Buck Cunningham;
military and their families; Ed White; Norma Wood; Liz Kilkenny;
Karen Hartz
Home/Assisted Living
◦ Alice Wetzel,
Asbury Villas ◦ Margaret
◦ Betty
Willey, Asbury Villas ◦ Marge Schillinger
° Vivian Behm , Asbury Villas ◦ Lynn Kittner
◦ Mary Gardner ° Stephen Koesel