Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church

                                    November 18, 2012


Faith and works are like the light and heat of a candle; they cannot be separated.

                                                                                                                      -Joseph Beaumont


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                   “Now Thank We All Our God”                    G.E.Kaufmann   




*Introit                                              “O Taste and See”                                           C. Young


*Call to Worship

One:  God, you are our protection

           God, you are our refuge

All:  You are our God; we have no good apart from you!

One:  God, you are both cup and portion.

           You have given us a good heritage.

All:  We come to worship the God who shows us the path of life!


*Hymn                            “I'll Praise My Maker While I've Breath”                             #60

*Opening Prayer


Church Announcements


Sharing Our Joys and Concerns  


Congregational Prayer

One:  God, our souls are poured out before you as we look for more in life than contentment

with family, friends, and possessions.  We thank you for all of your blessings. 

Yet, we long to be a blessing to others on your behalf.

As Abraham was a blessing to many nations, as Hannah longed for something in

her life to offer back to you,

All:  We long to make a difference in this world for you.

Open our eyes, good Lord,

One:  to whatever you have already entrusted for the good of your people.

All:  Open our ears, Lord,

One:  to intersections between human need and heart's desire.

All:  Open our hearts, Lord,

One:  to recognize and nurture new gifts, to consider unique possibilities, dawning on the horizon.

All:  Our souls are poured out before you, O God.

One:  Let your servants find favor in your sight. Amen.


Prayer Hymn                                  “Sweet Hour of Prayer”                                            #496

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

                Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on

earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive

those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the

 kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


Scripture                                                 1 Samuel 1:4-20

Children’s Sermon


Anthem                                               “Show Me the Way”                               D. DeYoung


Scripture                                                Mark 13:1-8

Sermon                                                                             Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                    “My Inmost Heart Now Raises”                                     J.C.Bach

*Doxology                                          “Bless Thou the Gifts”                                            #587

*Offering Prayer

God of love and grace, we are reminded this morning that you love the poor, and

that it makes your heart glad when the poor are taken care of, lifted from the ashes

to sit with princes. As we give our gifts this day, we pray that these gifts might reach

those who are poor and needy – financially, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

May it please you, we pray, when we live out a love and care for the poor that would

model the way of Jesus. In his name, we pray. Amen.


*Hymn                                              “How Firm a Foundation”                                      #529


*Final Chorus          “They’ll Know We Are Christians by Our Love” (Refrain)      #2223

                                                                  in The Faith We Sing


 Postlude                                           “We Plow the Fields”                                     J. Schultz


Please keep these folks in your prayers…

Sue Clapper- continued recovery from car accident

Liam Perry- croup

Victims of Hurricane Sandy

Kay Maxwell- continued healing

Bea Crawford-continued healing from pneumonia


Tess’s Family

Dave Agnew and Family- loss of Uncle Bert

Mary Brand and Family- loss of Uncle Pat

Ed (Ginnie’s son) – volunteering in the Dominican Republic

Ongoing Concerns…

Ed White – tests; Kim Slobonyak - continued recovery; Mike (Tammy’s friend) - health problems;

Susan- ovarian cancer; Gary- health concerns; Tim Parkinson- serving in Afghanistan;

Ella Mae- Parkinson’s disease; Paul Gaviglia- lung cancer; Melissa Morris; 

Julius Gibson- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma; Babies Luke and Kyler- cardiac defects;   

Harriet Fuller; Tina Whitehead- work for human dignity; Buck Cunningham; Norma Wood;

Liz Kilkenny; Karen Hartz