Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church

                                            September 23, 2012


“All of God's people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose he has given them.”

-Oswald Chambers



*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                 “Prelude On Limehouse                                        G. Martin


Greeting and Welcome


*Introit                                              “Make Me a Servant”                                  K. Willard



Holy God, source of story and song, help us hear your Word in the midst of these words.

Help us feel your heart-wrenching care in the midst of troubled days. Help us know

your abiding presence. We open our hearts, minds and hands to receive. Fill us and bless

us. Amen.


*Hymn                                                  “I Am Thine, O Lord”                                        #419

*Opening Prayer


*Passing the Peace


Sharing Our Joys and Concerns


Prayer Hymn                                              “I Need Thee Every Hour”                                    #397

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer

Lord’s Prayer

                Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in

heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and

 lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


Anthem                                    “ I’ve Got Peace Like A River”                    arr. J. Schroeder


Scripture                                           Proverbs 31:10-31

Children’s Sermon


Scripture                                                  James 3:13-4:8                            

Sermon                                                                                               Rev. Kelly J. Smith


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                                   “Come Unto Me”                                   D. Paxton


Praise God, from whom all blessings flow.

Praise God, all creatures here below.

Praise God above, ye heavenly host.

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

*Offering Prayer

God of wisdom and light, as we offer our gifts this morning, we pray that you will

help us grow hearts of generosity and not selfishness, compassion and not resentment,

contentment and not envy. Help us to see the abundance you have given us, and help

us to focus on what we have instead of what we don't have; on abundance and not

scarcity. Help us to see we are rich in your love and grace and in so many other ways.

We pray it in the name of Jesus, who gave all for us. Amen.


*Hymn                                             “Together We Serve”                                        #2175 TFWS




*Final Chorus                             “We Are the Church” (refrain only)                            #558


Postlude                                              “Old 120th                                                    H. Willan


Please keep these folks in your prayers…

Tammy’s friend, Mike-sick since June

Slobodnyak’s children-caring for their parents

Those who are affected by terrorism, hunger and famine, fires and droughts, floods and storms

Marge Gensler-out of hospital and back in nursery

Keri McGlaughlin-lose of her Aunt Carol

Chuck Kinavey- lose of his cousin

Tim Parkinson-serving in Afghanistan

Larry & Karen

Nick & Kim Slobonyak- continued recovery


Ongoing concerns…

Katie (Mary’s grandniece-recovering/heart surgery; Debra Andrews-cancer; Joe Weimer-recovering/ heart surgery;

Shirley Wojciak (Mary Kilgour’s sister)-health concerns; Dawn (Barb Thaw’s friend)- health concerns;

Kristen & Dave-lose of their baby; Jack Winkopp; Alice Wetzel; Bill; Ella Mae (Parkinson’s disease);

Paul Gaviglia(lung cancer); Bob Holscher-prostate cancer;  Jean Smith- colon cancer; Melissa Morris; 

Julius Gibson (Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma);  Tracy (leg injury); Babies Luke and Kyler (cardiac defects); 

Sharon Coyn (leg issues);  Harriet Fuller;  Tina Whitehead (work for human dignity); 

Peace and Justice in Palestine and Israel; Buck Cunningham;  Our Military and their families; Ed White; Elaine;

Rev. Austin Hornyak; Norma Wood; Liz Kilkenny; Karen Hartz




Alice Wetzel, Betty Willey, Vivian Behm, Margaret Craig, Marge Schillinger, Lynn Kittner,  Mary Gardner, Stephen Koesel