061911 Bulletin-2
This year’s Annual Conference session for all United Methodist Churches in Western Pennsylvania will be held at Grove City College on June 9-12. This year’s theme is “Hungers of the Heart.” While only designated clergy and lay representatives from each congregation may vote on church legislation, most of the Conference activities are open to everyone.
Mifflin Avenue is honored to have as our guest Shafiq Jamoos, a recent graduate of the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, who will be sharing his personal story of his Muslim faith. Shafiq, who is from Palestine, will be happy to discuss questions you may have about his spiritual beliefs, life experiences, and faith
Beginning on Sunday, June 5 and continuing through August, the Sunday schedule for Mifflin Avenue will be as follows: Christian Education: 9:30 AM Worship: 10:15 AM Members and previous attendees: please note that the start date is earlier than in past years. Thanks!
The bulletin for our May 15th worship service is now available online. Click here to view it.