March 31, 2019                                                    


*Those that are able are invited to stand




- Gathering into worship - 




Welcome and Announcements


Introit                                            To God Be the Glory”                                                    Choir


*Responsive Psalm                                   Psalm 32                                                UMH #766


*Hymn                                               Great Is Thy Faithfulness”                                    UMH  #140



- Meditation on God’s word -


Children’s Sermon


Message                     Love is More Powerful than… Hate”      Rev. Kelly J Smith


Scripture                                                                                        1 Corinthians 13:7-8


Hymn                                     Gift of Love”                                                   UMH #408


Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer                        



- Sharing our blessings –


Offering our Gifts and Tithes


*Doxology                      “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                     UMH #95


*Prayer of Thanksgiving

We are the Receivers,

         receivers of love

         receivers of grace

         receivers of Jesus.

We are the Givers,

         following God’s call,

         following Jesus,

         following our hearts.

Lord, we give these offerings for the work of your kingdom, with humble thanks for mercies received. Amen.



- Taking the Word to the World -


*Hymn                             “Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love” (verses 1-4)                     UMH #566




*Hymn                            “Blest Be the Dear Uniting Love” (Verse #5)                     UMH #566





Today is the UMCOR Sunday 

Donations UMCOR receives through this offering help cover the costs of doing business. Gifts like yours make it possible for UMCOR to use 100% of all other contributions on the projects our donors specify, instead of on administrative or fundraising costs.


Love is More Powerful than…














905Mifflin Ave


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
