March 24, 2019                                                    


*Those that are able are invited to stand




- Gathering into worship - 




Welcome and Announcements


Introit                                       O Jesus, I Have Promised”                                                 Choir


*Call to Worship                                    

Sisters and Brothers, God our God is full of power!

Like someone stranded in the desert looking for water, we will seek the Lord.

God's love is better than life and worthy of our praise.

We will praise the Lord as long as we live, lifting our hands to heaven.

God is our help and upholds us like an eagle gathering her own.

We will bless the Lord and sing under the shadow of God's wings.


*Hymn                                         Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us”                             UMH  #381


*Opening Psalm                                                                                                       Psalm 63:1-8



- Meditation on God’s word -


Children’s Sermon


Message         Love is More Powerful than… Resentment”   Rev. Kelly J Smith



Scripture                                                                                           1 Corinthians 13:7-8


Hymn                                  Living for Jesus”                                            TFWS #2149


Silent Prayer/Pastoral Prayer/Lord’s Prayer                        



- Sharing our blessings –


Offering our Gifts and Tithes


*Doxology                      “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                     UMH #95


*Prayer of Thanksgiving

Holy God, You are the Great Provider, the Giver of all gifts; your love the only true currency.

Thank you for putting money into our hands, and so we freely offer it back to you, for use in your service.

We do this in the name of Jesus, Amen.



- Taking the Word to the World -


*Hymn                                   “A Charge to Keep I Have”                                           UMH #413




*Hymn                                “A Charge to Keep I Have” (Verse #1)                             UMH #413








Next Sunday is the UMCOR Sunday 


For more than 50 years, United Methodist congregations have been taking part in a special UMCOR Sunday offering, laying the foundation for UMCOR’s ministry of relief and hope.


Donations UMCOR receives through this offering help cover the costs of doing business. Gifts like yours make it possible for UMCOR to use 100% of all other contributions on the projects our donors specify, instead of on administrative or fundraising costs.

























905 Mifflin Ave


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
