

                                                                    905 Mifflin Ave


                                                                         Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith







*Those that are able are invited to stand


Gathering and Welcome


Introit                                     O God, Our Help in Ages Past”                                         Choir



*Hymn                                  “All Who Love & Serve Your City”                                       #433

in The United Methodist Hymnal


*Opening Prayer

We come into your presence with glad hearts, O Lord. We think of your innumerable benefits constantly showered upon us. We cannot help but let joy bubble up within us when we consider your grace bestowed upon us "good measure, pressed down, running over." Accept then, our praise and gratitude, and touch us all with your loving, healing hand. Amen.  



*Passing the Peace




*Kids Song                                                  “Hosanna”                                             *See Screen


Children’s Sermon   


Scripture                                                                                                                    Luke 4:14-21


Message                                            Rich and Poor                               Rev. Kelly Smith


Prayer Hymn                                    “Servant Song”                                                           #2222

In The Faith We Sing


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer



Offering Prayer


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes



*Closing Song                               “Freely, Freely”                                                        #389

in The United Methodist Hymnal


*Closing Prayer




*Chorus                                              “Go Now in Peace”                                                     #665

in The United Methodist Hymnal

Go now in peace, go now in peace;

may the love of God surround you

everywhere, everywhere you may go.



Immediately following worship, everyone is invited to our


offering by the Fortier Family.




Today’s flowers are given in honor of Marcus Thaw’s birthday

by his parents Barbara and Robert Thaw.






Current Prayer Needs:

Beth Agnew and family – loss of her mother

Family of Linda Quinlisk in her passing

Sherrie Richards (friend of Barbara Thaw’s) – breast cancer

Richard — health struggles

Wilkinsburg Community Ministry – finding steady funding

All residents impacted by hurricanes as they rebuild

Ed Scott (friend of Ginnie) - multitude of health issues

Sue Clapper - breast cancer treatment


“My concern is not whether God is on our side;

my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right.”

-- Abraham Lincoln



October 14, 2018