

                                                                    905 Mifflin Ave


                                                                         Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith







*Those that are able are invited to stand


Gathering and Welcome                                                                          Dai Morgan



Introit                                  I Sing the Almighty Power of God”                                    Choir



*Opening Hymn                   Blest Be the Tie That Binds                                             #557

  in The United Methodist Hymnal


*Call to Worship (based on Psalm 30)

LEADER: I will extol thee, O Lord, for thou hast lifted me up.

PEOPLE: O Lord our God, We have cried to thee for help.

LEADER: Sing praises to the Lord, O you his saints.

PEOPLE: The Lord’s favor is for a lifetime.

LEADER: Thou hast turned my mourning into dancing.

PEOPLE: My soul must praise thee and not be silent.

ALL: O Lord my God, I will give thanks to thee forever.      



*Passing the Peace









Children’s Sermon                                                                                 Kim Viehland   


1St Message                                                                                     Richard Wilson


Hymn Congregational Choice


2nd Message                                                                                              Judy Arthurs


Hymn Congregational Choice



3rd Message                                                                                             Kristian Perry



Congregational Prayer                                                                              Lisa Fortier


Offering                                                                                                      Gail Gratton

Offering Prayer                                                                                                                                                           Dai Morgan


*Closing Hymn                          We Are the Church”                                          #558

                                                                              (verses 1-3)  


Benediction                                                                                             Kim Viehland


*Chorus                                                     We Are the Church”                                                 #558






Today’s altar flowers are in honor of Pastor Kelly,

given by Mifflin Avenue UM Church Congregation.







Current Prayer Needs:

Rich (friend of Judy’s and Marilyn’s) -  in hospice

Beth Agnew and family – loss of her mother

Family of Linda Quinlisk in her passing

Sherrie Richards (friend of Barbara Thaw’s) – breast cancer

Richard — health struggles

Wilkinsburg Community Ministry – finding steady funding

All residents impacted by hurricanes as they rebuild

Ed Scott (friend of Ginnie) - multitude of health issues

Sue Clapper - breast cancer treatment






OCTOBER 21, 2018