Everyone is welcome-

no matter who you are,

where you come from,

or why you are here.

We are Christ's people and this is Christ's place with its doors wide open.

If you are passing through, Godspeed.

If you are looking for a worship home, please stay with us.

We invite visitors to join with us, and most of all, to return often.






Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith



Worship Outline

April 8, 2018


*Those that are able are invited to stand




Introit                                                   “Christ is Risen”                                                      Choir                                                                              

 *Hymn of Praise                               “Easter People”                                                       #304

  in The United Methodist Hymnal





Sacrament of Baptism                  Lucy Joan Lordon                                                #33-37

*Baptismal Hymn           “Child of Blessing, Child of Promise”                                   #611

  in The United Methodist Hymnal


Special Music                        “Angels Watching Over Me”



Children’s Sermon



Scripture                                                Acts 4:32-35                                

 Message                              Testimony to the Resurrection                        Pastor Kelly


Sung Response                “They’ll Know We Are Christians”                                   #2223

in The Faith We Sing


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes


*Closing Song                  “Where Charity and Love Prevail”                                      #549

 in The United Methodist Hymnal



MAUMC Monthly Missions – something new for 2018

            When the 2018 MAUMC budget was approved it included a recommendation that we use half of our monthly mission projects to help raise funds for our Western PA Conference apportionments.  In past years we have not met our goal for this purpose.  While the conference apportionment supports the administrative framework for the United Methodist Church in Western Pennsylvania and throughout the world, it does much more.  It also provides funds for a number of specific functions that in many cases are similar to the kinds of projects we have been supporting through our monthly mission giving. The general funds include:


World Service Fund:  The World Service Fund is the essential core of our global outreach ministry, underwriting Christian mission around the world. By giving to World Service we empower United Methodist evangelistic efforts…stimulate Bible study and spiritual commitment…encourage church growth and discipleship…and help God’s children everywhere.

Ministerial Education Fund:  Men and women choose the ministry because God calls them. The Ministerial Education Fund is our way of helping them answer that divine call. Our United Methodist seminaries lead the effort to proclaim God’s word in a world desperately in need of that message.

Episcopal Fund:  Bishops have always had a very special role in our church…elected and consecrated to speak to the church…and from the church. The apostle Paul called it “a noble task,” but it is practical, too, since our bishops oversee and promote the church’s spiritual and temporal interests as well.

Black College Fund:  The 11 U.S. historically Black colleges and universities supported by The United Methodist Church have played a unique role in U.S. higher education. Their graduates—teachers and doctors, ministers and bishops, judges, artists and entrepreneurs—are leaders in the African-American community and in a rapidly changing, more diverse United States.

Interdenominational Cooperation Fund:  We United Methodists acknowledge that we are but a small part of the worldwide Christian church—the living body of Jesus Christ. Our unity with other Christian communions is affirmed as we witness to a common Christian faith, meet human suffering and advocate for peace and justice all over the world.

Africa University Fund:  This vital fund supports the only United Methodist-related, degree-granting university on the continent of Africa—serving students from 21 countries, all across the continent of Africa. Africa University provides higher education of excellent quality, enriched with Christian values, for both men and women, developing visionary leaders of tomorrow.