Christmas Eve Worship

Service of Carols and Celebration

December 24, 2017


*Those that are able are invited to stand



Christmas Trivia Countdown


- Confronting the prophecy -          


Psalm of Preparation                       Psalm 96


Prophecy                                                                                                           Isaiah 9


Hymn                                     “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” (vs. 1 & 2)                        #211


Visual Illustration           Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus   


Lighting the Advent Candles

First Candle and Reading                                                                                          Barbara Thaw

Sung Response                                     “Advent Song” (Verse 1)                                                #2090 

in The Faith We Sing


Second Candle and Reading                                                                                      Mary Brand

Sung Response                                     “Advent Song” (Verse 2)                                               #2090 

in The Faith We Sing


Third Candle and Reading                                                                                                Sue Irons

Sung Response                                     “Advent Song” (Verse 3)                                               #2090 

in The Faith We Sing


Fourth Candle and Reading                                                                                           Ron Brand

Sung Response                                     “Advent Song” (Verse 4)                                               #2090 

in The Faith We Sing


Fifth Candle and Reading                                                                                       Bambi Brewer

Sung Response                                     “Advent Song” (Verse 5)                                               #2090 

in The Faith We Sing


  - Experiencing the birth -


Visual Illustration                      It All Starts Here  


*Hymn                                                  “Silent Night”                                                           #239

(During the song, worshippers will pass the light of Christ by tipping your unlit candle to the lit candle of the person next to you.)


*Scripture                                                                                                                  Luke 2:1-7


*Hymn                                      “O Come All Ye Faithful” (verses 1, 3, 6)                          #234


*Scripture                                                                                                                  Luke 2:8–20


*Hymn                                               “The First Noel” (verses 1, 2)                                   #245


- Encountering a Savior –


Children’s Sermon                    It’s All About Giving


Scripture                                                                                                                     Titus 2:11-14


Sermon                                         A Manger for the World


- Sharing our blessings -


Offering Prayer

On this glad new day for all the earth we are grateful for giving hearts made joyful in the gift of your Son.

For you, O God, are generosity itself.

Bless these gifts we offer to the benefit of those in need.

Bless our lives in service of sharing your love in the world;

through Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


Offering Our Gifts



- Celebrating the Good news -


*Hymn                                     “Hark the Herald Angels Sing”                                        #240




*Closing Hymn                          “Joy to the World”                                                     #246




The staff of Mifflin Ave UMC would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.           


Rev. Kelly Smith 
