September 17, 2017



*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Introduction


Introit                                          “Spirit of the Living God”                                               Choir

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.

Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on me.


*Hymn                                      “O How I Love Jesus”                                                   #170

in The United Methodist Hymnal


*Opening Prayer

Spirit of Glory, Spirit of God,

As your perfect love casts out our fear and changes it to love, unite us by your Spirit of peace, that we may be one with you, as you are one with Christ.

Bless us with a word of life this day to restore, support, and strengthen us as we seek to be one with you.



*Hymn                          “There’s Something About That Name”                                  #171

in The United Methodist Hymnal



*Passing the Peace


*Kids Song                                                                                                                 (See Screen)



Children’s Sermon   


Scripture                                                                                                          Matthew 16:21-28


Message                                             Will You Follow?                                      Pastor Kelly


Hymn of Response             “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”                                   #2129

in The Faith We Sing



Prayers of the People / Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

(You are invited to share your prayer concerns by writing them on the Prayer Request cards and placing them in the offering plate.)



Offering Prayer


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes



*Closing Hymn                      “Where He Leads Me”                                                   #338

in The United Methodist Hymnal




*Chorus                                “Where He Leads Me” (Refrain)                                     #338

Where he leads me I will follow, where he leads me I will follow,

where he leads me I will follow; I’ll go with him, with him, all the way.