April 9, 2017



*Those that are able are invited to stand


Visual Call to Worship

Proclamation of the Entrance                                                                   Matthew 21:1-11

*Call to Worship

Jesus calls you to give…

Give up my horse, are you crazy?! I don't even know you!

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."

Give up my cup of coffee in the morning to feed an orphan?! Absurd!

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."

Give up ten minutes of my day to pray?! I don’t have enough time for that!

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."

You want me to give HOW much money to the church?! I can’t afford that!

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."

You expect me to get more involved in ministry? Do you know how many other commitments I have?

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son..."

God gave us our resources. God gave us our time.

"The Lord needs it and will send it back."  Today, we give!


*Hymn                                   “Hosanna Loud Hosanna”                                              #278


*Opening Prayer

            Almighty God, on this day your Son Jesus Christ entered the holy city of Jerusalem and was proclaimed King by those who spread their garments and palm branches along his way.

            Let those branches be for us signs of his victory, and grant that we who bear them in his name may ever hail him as our Lord, and follow him in the way that leads to eternal life.  In his name we pray. Amen.

Welcome and Announcements

Passing the Peace



Kids Song                                             “Hosanna Rock”                                          *See Screen

Children’s Sermon                    


Anthem                         “On Humble Beast Now Rides the King”                             Choir


Scripture                                                                                                        Philippians 2:5 –11

Message                                     Through Death to Life                                 Pastor Kelly

Prayers of the People / Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

(You are invited to share your prayer concerns by writing them on the Prayer Request cards and placing them in the offering plate.)



Offering Our Gifts and Tithes

Offering Prayer



A Service of Lessons and Hymns for the Passion


Matthew 26:14 –29

Hymn                                                    “Thank You, Lord”                                                       #84

Matthew 26:30 –56

Hymn                                              “Go to Dark Gethsemane” Verse 1                               #290

Matthew 26:57 –75

Hymn                                           “What Wondrous Love Is This” Verses 1 & 2                #292

Matthew 27:1 –23, 26–30

Hymn                                         “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded” Verses 1 & 2              #286

Matthew 27:31 –50

Hymn                                                 “Jesus, Remember Me”                                               #488

Matthew 27:51 –66

Hymn                                          “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross”                                     #301


Visual Illustration                      Sounds of the Cross



*Chorus                              “Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” (Refain)                      #301

Please join us immediately after worship today for our Second Sunday Social-

 in honor of Amy and Matt Cook’s wedding and new married life.



Current Prayer Needs:

Coworker of Mary Brand whose baby boy needs surgery

Katie and Dan (Mary Brand’s niece and nephew) – looking for new jobs

Lynn (friend of Jen’s) – heart failure

Family of Winsome Moran (Alfieri family friend)- passed away

Ed Scott (friend of Ginnie’s) – brain cancer

R.N. (Friend of Barb’s) – kidney cancer








Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

