April 23, 2017



*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Introduction


*Call to Worship

Call: Testify!

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: With your voices . . .

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: Testify!

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: With your love . . .

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: Testify!

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: With good works . . .

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: Testify!

Response: Christ is risen!

Call: Let your light shine . . .

Response: Christ is risen!

All:  City of Pittsburgh, hear the good news, Christ is risen, Christ is risen indeed!


*Hymn                              “Easter People Raise Your Voices”                                     #304


*Opening Prayer

Author of faith, to you we lift our weary, longing eyes.

Our fear would close us down to your love and your call on our lives.

Even now, send your Spirit among us.

Break into our shut-up hearts, unparalyze our fear-filled minds, and unclasp our clenched hands, that we may hear your words of life and truly live.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Welcome and Announcements


Passing the Peace


Kids Song 


Children’s Sermon                    


Anthem                                          “Easter Carol”                                                     Choir


Scripture                                                                                                                 John 20:19-31


Message                             Just Whose Twin Was Thomas?         Pastor Jim Ritchie


Prayer Hymn                              “Without Seeing You”                                               #2206

in The Faith We Sing


Prayers of the People / Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

(You are invited to share your prayer concerns by writing them on the Prayer Request cards and placing them in the offering plate.)


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes


Offering Prayer




*Chorus                                          “He Lives” (Refain)                                                #310

He lives, he lives, Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow ways.

He lives, he lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know he lives? He lives within my heart.


In honor of Oliver and Riley’s baptisms last Sunday, we invite everyone to join them in the John Wesley room immediately following worship for ice cream cake.



Current Prayer Needs:

Ernie Tucci (friend of Barb’s) – heart surgery

Grammy Alfieri (Alfieri’s grandmother) – recovery from spinal surgery

Ed Abbott (friend of Barb’s) - cancer

Missy (friend of Barb’s) - young mom recovering from cardiac arrest

Family of Mike Maness (Larry’s brother-in-law) - passed away

Families of Carolyn Eakin and John Bolvia (friends of Kim’s) - passed away

Richard Scivilli (friend of Kim’s) - extensive colon cancer

Lynn (friend of Jen’s) – heart failure

Family of Winsane Moran (Alfieri family friend)- passed away





Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith

