sixth Sunday of Easter

May 1, 2016

*Those that are able are invited to stand



-Gathering into worship-


Welcome                                                                                Gary Burdick, Lay Leader


Scripture                                                                                                                          Psalm 67


*Call to Worship

One:  Alleluia, Christ is risen.

All:  The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia.

One:  Let the peoples praise you, O God.

All:  Let all the peoples praise you.


*Hymn                                   “God of Grace and God of Glory”                                                  #577


*Opening Prayer


*Chorus                                                 “He Lives” (Refrain)                                            #310

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.

He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know He lives?  He lives within my heart.


Announcements                                                                                      Gary Burdick


  -We Are the Church-


Hymn                                             “We Are the Church”            (verse 1 & 2)                             #558


Witness                                                                                                               Tawny Heselpoth


Hymn                                             “We Are the Church”            (chorus)                                    #558


Receiving New Members                                                                                                   #45


Anthem                      “With Grateful Heart I Thank You Lord”                                 Choir    


-A Time for Prayer-


Hymn                                                  “The Gift of Love”                                                     #408


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


-Reflecting on the word-


Children’s Sermon


Scripture                                                                                                                  John 14:23-29


Message                                                                                                         Rev. Kelly J. Smith


-Sharing our blessings-


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes

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*Doxology                  “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                                 #95

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 

Praise God all creatures here below. 

Praise God above the heavenly host. 

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Offering Prayer

Loving God, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit to bring the peace of Christ. We are grateful that you continually teach us through your Spirit. Help our hearts to be so filled with your peace that our congregation will show forth your goodness to the world around us. Let your loving presence be known through our church’s ministries. Accept these offerings as a sign of our trust in you, for we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


-Taking the word to the world-


*Closing Song                             “Trust and Obey”                                                       #467




*Hymn                                   “Where He Leads Me” (refrain only)                                #338

             Where he leads me I will follow, where he leads me I will follow,

Where he leads me I will follow, I’ll go with him, with him all the way.








Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church


 Where Faith and Life Meet


Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
