fifth Sunday of Easter

May 3, 2015

*Those that are able are invited to stand


Welcome and Announcements                                                


-Gathering into worship-


*Opening Psalm                                                                                                Psalm 22:25-31


*Call to Worship

In the wilderness, water brings life.

Seek us out, O God, and take us to the water.

In the Word of God, the good news gives light.

Seek us out, O God, and fill us with understanding.

In the bread and the wine, the body of our Savior nourishes everyone.

Seek us out, O God, and give us yourself.

Here is the water of life, the word that feeds, the food of eternity.  Come and praise the vine that gives all goodness.


Hymn                             “O Worship the King, All-Glorious Above”                               #73


*Opening Prayer


*Chorus                                                 “He Lives” (Refrain)                                            #310

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and talks with me along life’s narrow way.

He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know He lives?  He lives within my heart.


*Greeting One Another in Christian Love


 -Offering our prayers-

(You are invited to share your prayer concerns by writing them on the

Prayer Request cards in the pews and placing them in the offering plate.)


Hymn                                         “I Need Thee Every Hour”                                              #397


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer



Children’s Sermon

         (After the Children’s Sermon, Children K through 3rd grade are invited to Junior Church)


Scripture                                                                                                John 15:1-8






Communion Hymn       “Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast”                                   #616


Great Thanksgiving for Eastertide                                                                   *See Insert


Holy Communion


-Sharing our blessings-


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes

To give electronically from your mobile device visit



*Doxology                  “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                                #95

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below;

Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.


*Offering Prayer

Gracious God, you are the vine grower, and we belong to you. Thank you for carefully tending us, especially in difficult times. You provide what we need in order to grow as disciples of Jesus. Help us to abide in him, the true vine. May these offerings and our lives bear much fruit and bring glory to you. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.



-Taking the Word to the World- 


*Closing Hymn                 “There’s a Spirit in the Air”                                                 #192                                




*Hymn                                   “Where He Leads Me” (refrain only)                                #338

             Where he leads me I will follow, where he leads me I will follow,

Where he leads me I will follow, I’ll go with him, with him all the way.






Mifflin Avenue United Methodist Church

 Where Faith and Life Meet



Pastor: Rev. Kelly Smith
