
April 5, 2015


*Those that are able are invited to stand


Gathering and Easter Countdown


Celebrating the miracle


Visual Illustration                                    Risen


Scripture                                                                                                     Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24


*Call to Worship

One:  Alleluia! Christ is risen!

All:  Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!

One:  This is the day that the Lord has made;

All:  let us rejoice and be glad in it.

One:  Alleluia! Christ is risen!

All:  Christ is risen, indeed! Alleluia!


*Hymn                                 “Easter People, Raise Your Voices”                                    #304


*Congregational Reading                                                                                 Acts 10:34-43


*Hymn                                 “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” (verses 1-4)                    #302


*Opening Prayer


Welcome and Announcements


Anthem                                       “Shout With Joy”                                                       Choir                              


reflecting on the Story


Children’s Sermon


*Hymn                                    “Up From the Grave He Arose”                                       #322


Scripture                                                                                                                    John 20:1-18


Easter Message                                                                                          Rev. Kelly J. Smith


  A Time for Prayer


Visual Illustration                              He is Risen


*Hymn                                               “Christ Has Risen”                                                              #2115

in The Faith We Sing


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


Sharing our blessings


Offering Our Gifts and Tithes



To give electronically from your mobile device visit donate.mifflinave.org or scan this code


*Doxology                  “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                                 #95

Praise God from whom all blessings flow. 

Praise God all creatures here below. 

Praise God above the heavenly host. 

Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.  Amen.

Offering Prayer

Glorious God, we rejoice in Jesus' victory over death! You raised him up to live forever. He left behind his linen wrappings -- the shroud, his grave clothes.

Robed in white, Christ leads us from darkness to light. Help us to follow him, leaving behind the things of our past that obscure our horizons. We dedicate these offerings as tokens of the breaking dawn of Christ. May our gratitude shine forth by our joyfully giving of our earthly goods. Amen.

Taking the word to the world


Visual Illustration                          Look Around


*Going Out to the World

(Weather permitting, everyone is invited to move outside onto the front steps

where our service will conclude with the singing of our final hymn.)


*Hymn for the World                        “He Lives”                                                          #310


I serve a risen Savior, He's in the world today;

I know that He is living, whatever men may say.

I see His hand of mercy, I hear His voice of cheer,

And just the time I need Him, He's always near.


REFRAIN:  He lives, He lives! Christ Jesus lives today!

He walks with me and talks with me along life's narrow way.

He lives, He lives, salvation to impart!

You ask me how I know He lives?

He lives within my heart!


In all the world around me I see His loving care;

And though my heart grows weary, I never will despair.

I know that He is leading through all the stormy blast;

The day of His appearing will come at last. [Refrain]


Rejoice, rejoice, O Christian, lift up your voice and sing

Eternal hallelujahs to Jesus Christ, the King!

The Hope of all who seek Him, the Help of all who find,

None other is so loving, so good and kind. [Refrain]




Many Thanks to Marcus Thaw for joining us on the trumpet this morning!