Ash Wednesday

February 18, 2015




Entering into Worship


We seek your presence here today even while we acknowledge that we often hide from you.  Draw us out of our hiding places and into the light of your grace and love, and there teach us to worship you in spirit and in truth.  Amen.


*Scripture                                                                                                             Joel 2:1-2, 12-17


*Hymn                                   “Lord, I Want To Be a Christian ”                                      #402

                                                   in The United Methodist Hymnal


Litany for Ash Wednesday:

Leader: Our sin rests heavy on our hearts,

People: Free us, O Lord, from this burden.

Leader: Our sin stands before us and obscures our vision.

People: Move us, O Lord, that we may see.

Leader: Our sin has left a painful mark on our souls.

People: Wash us, O Lord, and make us clean.

Leader: Our sin has robbed us of the joy of living.

People: Forgive us, O Lord, and restore our joy.

Leader: As we bear this cross of ashes today, O Lord, help us remember that you bore a cross of pain.

People: Remind us, O Lord, again and again, that we are yours.


Scripture                                                                                                                   Psalm 51:1-17

A time of confession

Call to Confession


Prayer of Confession

            God, on this Ash Wednesday, we come before you acknowledging your greatness, exalting your supreme power, declaring that you are the God of our salvation. We come confessing the multitude of our transgressions known and unknown.  We know that we have not helped the needy when there has been need. We have been greedy even in the land of plenty. Lord, we know that we've abused our brother, misused our sister, forgot about our parents, "played" our friends. We're guilty and we need your grace.

            And so we bow before you, kneel before you, lay down prostrate before you, asking that you would intervene for our sinful, sorrowful, and sick souls. Have mercy on us 'cause we need you to respond to our human need. Wash us, 'cause we're dirty from our indiscretions. Teach us so that we may live and declare your truth. Purge us, so that the shame of today will not be the guilt of tomorrow. Create in us newness of life, happiness of heart. Restore to us the full blessings of heaven. Deliver us from the penalty we deserve.

            And we will rise up. We will stand up. We will get up and live up to the expectations of your calling on our lives. These things we pray in the powerful and mighty name of Jesus. Amen.


Silent Prayer / The Lord’s Prayer


Declaration of Forgiveness


Reflecting on the Season


*Hymn                                      “Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior”                                        #351

                                                    in The United Methodist Hymnal


Scripture                                                                                                      Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21


Reflection             Through The Wilderness To Our Home         Rev. David Morse


Receiving the Ashes


*Hymn                                                   “Just as I Am”                                                          #357

                                                in The United Methodist Hymnal


Thanksgiving Over the Ashes


Silent Prayer

               *Please feel free to offer your silent prayer at the altar before receiving the ashes.

Imposition of the Ashes

*Ashes may be placed on your forehead or your hand and are to be left there until worship has ended.


*Signs of Peace


Giving Back to god

Offering Prayer

Lord, as we worship you through our tithes and offerings, help us.

Help us to give with a sincere heart.

Help us Lord.

Help us not to bring attention to ourselves through our giving, but to place attention on your goodness by our obedience.

Help us Lord.

In our poverty, help us not to be stingy with our substance; in our wealth, help us not to be cheap in our charity.

Help us Lord.

Help us to surrender to you what is needed to bless others, with a treasured heart that gives cheerfully, hilariously, and gladly.

Help us Lord, and be pleased with our gifts.

In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.




*Hymn                                                “I Surrender All”                                                        #354

                                                     in The United Methodist Hymnal


Dismissal into the World