Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany

                                                    February 23, 2014


*Those that are able are invited to stand



Welcome and Announcements


    Entering into worship          


*Opening Invocation

All:  Almighty God, who has saved us and called us to a holy life - not because of anything

we have done but because of your own purpose and grace, give us your Holy Spirit so that

we may know and abide in your presence more fully this day. Be pleased to dwell in us,

Lord Jesus, in whom we pray. Amen.


*Opening Hymn                “Love Divine, All Loves Excelling”                                  #384


*Opening Prayer


*Hymn                                     “Surely the Presence of the Lord”                                 #328

           Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.  I can feel His mighty power and His grace.

                                    I can hear the brush of angels’ wings.  I see glory on each face.

                                            Surely the presence of the Lord is in this place.


Welcoming God’s children

Scripture                                                                                       Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18


Children’s Sermon


Anthem                                            “Show Me the Way”                                                    Choir


        A Time for Prayer

               (You are invited to share your prayer concerns with the congregation by writing them on the

                                          Prayer Request cards in the pews and placing them in the offering plate.)


Joys and Concerns


Prayer Hymn                                “Be Thou My Vision”                                                    #451


Intercessory Prayers of the People

Loving God, hear our prayer.


Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into

 temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.


                                  Moving into God’s word


Scripture                                                                                                            Matthew 5:38-48




   Sharing our blessings


Offering our Gifts and Tithes


Offering Prayer

God of Unimaginable Love, you sent your Son into our midst that we might see his way of love,

which is so different from what the world has shown us. It calls us to give with extravagant

generosity and to love those who wrong us. Holy God, bless the offering we give, and may

what we share this morning be used to bring your compassion and grace to those who need

it the most. May people know we belong to you by the way we love and the way we give.

In the name of Christ, who gave all for us. Amen.



To give electronically from your mobile device visit


Taking the Word to the World


*Closing Hymn                   “Help Us Accept Each Other”                                          #560




*Hymn                                   “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”            (Verse 1 only)              #2129

in The Faith We Sing

                               I have decided to follow Jesus, I have decided to follow Jesus,

                           I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.






Carolyn Hartner - recovering from infection

Jeremy Viehland and family - whole house was sick

Joel (Diana's brother) - recovering from gall bladder surgery, harder than expected

Residents of Cape Cod - dealing with damage after difficult storm

Stanley (Eric’s Grandfather) - recovering from hip replacement surgery

Chuck (church custodian) - awaiting a hip replacement

Eric Barto (Neighbor of Jean McQuade) - quadruple bypass surgery

Keri McGlaughlin and family—passing of friend Buck Cunningham


Ongoing Prayer Requests:

George- battling stomach cancer; Pat Spencer- continued healing; Aimee (Jen Alfieri’s cousin); 

Steve (friend of Gail)- continued healing in rehab; Flo (cousin of Jean McQuade)- lung cancer; 

Baby Gavin- brain tumor and mom Ashley- cysts; Sister and father of Jill Franke (Jen Alfieri); 

Lily -chemo; Mary Ellen (Sharon’s sister)- cancer; Steve (John McQuade co-worker)- prostate cancer;

Mike (Tammy’s friend)- non Hodgkin’s lymphoma; Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia;

Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity; Our military and their families


Home Bound/Assisted Living:
Alice Wetzel, Marge Schillinger, Betty Willey, Stephen Koesel, Vivian Behm, Richard James,

Ken Thompson, Harriet Fuller, Nancy Radovic, Norma Wood, Bea Crawford, Nell Harper