February 3, 2013


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                                  Pastorale                                                 F. Archer

Welcome and Announcements


Entering Into Worship


*Choral Introit                     “Let My Love for Jesus Be My Song”                              Choir


*Call to Worship

God of love, we confess that our silence is noisy, our minds filled with

distracting chatter, our thoughts focused on problems and our lives

bombarded with temptations. How hard we find it to be still and rest

in your holy and healing presence. God of love, teach us in this hour the

words to pray and the silences to keep. Quiet the tempests within us that

we may hear you. In Your name, Amen.


*Hymn                                                “The Gift of Love”                                               #408


*Opening Prayer

A Time of Prayer

Joys and Concerns

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead

 us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

 Moving into the Word


Scripture                                               Jeremiah 1:4-10

Children’s Sermon 


Anthem                                                 “Sing Alleluia”                                                      Choir                                                                             

Scripture                                             1 Corinthians 13:1-13



Celebrating the Sacrament


*Hymn                                        “You Satisfy the Hungry Heart”                                           #629


Preparing Our Hearts and the Elements


*Hymn                                       “Be Present at Our Table, Lord”                                           #621


The Lord’s Meal


  Sharing our blessings


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                                   “Solitude”                                                 F. Peeters

*Doxology                       “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                         #94


*Offering Prayer

Eternal God, your servant Paul reminded us that no amount of noise we can make,

no profound wisdom or vision we can share, no amount of money we can give means

anything in your sight unless it comes forth out of love. Any offering that comes out of

self-promotion, arrogance, or unkindness – not rooted in love – is a wasted effort. We

 pray you would receive these gifts we give this morning as ones that come from our

hearts, Lord; hearts full of faith, hearts full of hope, and hearts full of love for you and

 for those around us. We pray this in the Holy name of Jesus, your Son and our Savior. Amen.


Taking the Word to the World


*Hymn                                              “When Love is Found”                                         #643


*Hymn                                     “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” (refrain)                        #251


Postlude                                 “Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now”                     J.S. Bach

Beth Beringer-healing from surgery

Bambi-loss of her aunt unexpectedly

Courtney’s mom, Linda (David Hornbeck’s friend)-continued healing after surgery

Pastor Patty Soward (pastor at David’s home church) – non alcohol liver disease

Mary Brand- healing from eye surgery


Sue Clapper-continued healing; Kim Slobodnyak; Ed White-tests; Jonah (Leo’s friend) - diagnosed with an autoimmune disease;

Tom(Eddie’s friend)-continued healing and recovery; Barry (Sherry’s friend)- pneumonia, congestive heart failure;  

Mike (Tammy’s friend) – diagnosed with non Hodgkins Lymphoma; George Coker (Bambi’s grandfather-in-law) - stroke;

Mary Ellen(Sharon’s sister)- cancer; Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia; Kim & Lori; Pete- battling lung cancer;

Beringer’s family- strength and healing; Family and Friends affected by Sandy Hook incident; Bea Crawford-knee;

Mary Ellen-thyroid issues; Alma-Leukemia; Michael- car accident; Pastor Janet; Chad(Gensler’s cousin)-deployed overseas;

Devon (Gensler’s friend)-reserves; Marcy-breast cancer; Doc-lung cancer; Gary, (Ginnie’s son)-health problems;

Michael-health concerns; Shirley Social -medical concerns; Debra Andrews -cancer;  Elaine; Joe Weimer; Jack Winkopp;

Dawn; Bill; Ella Mae-Parkinson’s disease; Paul Gaviglia- Lung Cancer; Melissa Morris(granddaughter of Ginnie White);

Julius Gibson, 9 yrs old, undergoing chemo-therapy;  Tracy-leg issues; Baby “Luke” and baby “Kyler”- cardiac defects;

Sharon Coyn - leg issues; Harriet Fuller; Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity, peace and justice in Palestine and Isreal;

 Buck Cunningham;  Our military and their families;  Norma Wood; Liz Kilkenny; Karen Hartz


                                                                     At Home/Assisted Living

 Alice Wetzel, Asbury Villas       Margaret Craig               
 Betty Willey, Asbury Villas        Marge Schillinger  
° Vivian Behm , Asbury Villas     
Lynn Kittner

Mary Gardner                                 ° Stephen Koesel