Transfiguration Sunday

   February 10, 2013


*Those who are able are invited to stand


Gathering                                   “Faith Everlasting”                                         L.A. Warriner

Welcome and Announcements


Entering Into Worship


*Choral Introit                     “Let My Love for Jesus Be My Song”                              Choir


*Call to Worship

One:  We are here to meet the Holy One.

All:  We are here to witness the glory of the Lord.

One:  Our faces will shine with a God-given brightness, reflecting the goodness of the Almighty!

All:  We will not hide our faces.  We will shine with the light of Christ!


*Hymn                                   “Majesty, Worship His Majesty”                                    #176


*Opening Prayer


A Time of Prayer

Joys and Concerns

*Hymn                                             “Be Thou My Vision”                                                          #451

Silent Prayer / Pastoral Prayer / Lord’s Prayer

            Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.  Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on

earth as it is in heaven.  Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those

 who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom

and the power and the glory forever.  Amen.

Anthem                                “What Shall I Render To My God”                                    Choir


Moving into the Word


Scripture                                               Exodus 34:29-35

Children’s Message


*Hymn                                   “O Wondrous Sight! O Vision Fair”                             #258


Scripture                                                  Luke 9:28-36



Sharing our blessings


Offering our Gifts and Tithes

Offertory                                            “My Jesus I Love Thee”                                   L. Smith

*Doxology                       “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow”                         #94


*Offering Prayer

Creator God, how we long to experience those mountaintop encounters with you!

When we have been touched ourselves or have been witnesses to your presence, we

have, like Peter, sought a way to stay and dwell on the mountain. We know that is

not what you want. We know you want us back in the world, the world into which

you sent your Son as Savior. As we faithfully offer our gifts this morning, may they

be used to make your presence known to a hurting world – not just on mountaintops

or in clouds, but in the day by day world in which we live. We pray this in the blessed

name of your Holy Son.


 Taking the Word to the World


*Hymn                                              “I Love to Tell the Story”                                      #156


*Hymn                                     “Go, Tell It On the Mountain” (refrain)                        #251


Postlude                                          “My Faith Is an Oaken Staff”                  E. Broughton



Sue Clapper-CT scan and doctor appointments

Kim Slobodnyak- in hospital, infection/septi

Mary Anne (Carol’s friend)-car crash, bruised and sore

Jeremy Viehland and Family-sicknesses

Martin (Kim’s friend) - wife, Mary, has frontal lobe damage, stress and hardship

Melissa (Ginnie’s granddaughter)-undergoing test to see results of her treatment

Ed White-slight increase in tumor

Family of American woman killed in Turkey

For couples dealing with pregnancy loss and fertility issues

For my cousin, Aimee, who is struggling

Craig Family-for the loss of Margaret C. Craig



Ed White-tests; Jonah (Leo’s friend) - diagnosed with an autoimmune disease;

Tom(Eddie’s friend)-continued healing and recovery; Barry (Sherry’s friend)- pneumonia, congestive heart failure; 

Mike (Tammy’s friend) – diagnosed with non Hodgkins Lymphoma; George Coker (Bambi’s grandfather-in-law) - stroke;

Mary Ellen(Sharon’s sister)- cancer; Sydney-diagnosed with Leukemia; Kim & Lori; Pete- battling lung cancer;

Beringer’s family- strength and healing; Family and Friends affected by Sandy Hook incident; Bea Crawford-knee;

 Mary Ellen-thyroid issues; Alma-Leukemia; Michael- car accident; Pastor Janet; Chad(Gensler’s cousin)-deployed overseas;

Devon (Gensler’s friend)-reserves; Marcy-breast cancer; Doc-lung cancer; Gary, (Ginnie’s son)-health problems;

Michael-health concerns; Shirley Social -medical concerns; Debra Andrews -cancer;  Elaine; Joe Weimer; Jack Winkopp;

Dawn; Bill; Ella Mae-Parkinson’s disease; Paul Gaviglia- Lung Cancer; Melissa Morris(granddaughter of Ginnie White);

Julius Gibson, 9 yrs old, undergoing chemo-therapy;  Tracy-leg issues; Baby “Luke” and baby “Kyler”- cardiac defects;

Sharon Coyn - leg issues; Harriet Fuller; Tina Whitehead and her work for human dignity, peace and justice in Palestine and Isreal;

Buck Cunningham;  Our military and their families;  Norma Wood; Liz Kilkenny; Karen Hartz

Assisted Living/At Home

      Alice Wetzel, Betty Willey, Vivian Behm, Marge Schillinger, Lynn Kittner,

                                                 Mary Gardner, Stephen Koesel